Here’s a sample acquisition letter from WAFG. We’ll be taking words, phrases, and ideas from this letter and creating scripts for your on-air fundraising hosts to read.
Dear <name>
I’m writing to you today because I believe you value the inspiring, grounding, and beautiful music experienced on WAFG.
Today that music is in jeopardy. That’s why we’re counting on you right now.
In a time of continuing uncertainty in funding, those of us who value the variety of delightful and stirring classical music on WAFG cannot rely on others to ensure that we will have these choices in the future. Your participation — and your support — matter more now than ever before.
You have the power to create extraordinary, uplifting, and exceptional programming by making a contribution to WAFG today. Your gift will go directly toward purchasing and producing the programs you love and enjoy the most.
The fact is, without listeners like you who willingly become members, WAFG would not survive: 80% of what it takes to keep classical radio on the air comes from the people who use the service. That’s why I’m urging you to join WAFG today with a membership gift of $40, $60, $120, or whatever amount is right for you.
Your gift will keep alive the timeless world-class music broadcasts on WAFG. Your gift today means that we — and thousands of others in our community — will continue to have access to classical music and enjoy the glorious performances from concert halls around the world and live concerts from right here in the <XXX> region.
Please don’t take what you value and appreciate for granted. Act now! Your generous gift will help preserve programming that exists solely to serve your needs — not those of corporations and commercial advertisers.
When you want and need worthwhile and important entertainment and a wealth of perspectives, you’ve counted on WAFG.
May we count on you at this critical time? All of us at WAFG are dedicated to serving you with programs and services that enrich, respond to, and relate to our lives. Thank you again and please be as generous as you can.
For the programs,
<Letter signer>
CEO and Fellow Supporter
P.S. Quality programs are expensive to produce... but I’m sure you’ll agree the investment is worth every penny. When it’s time to pay the bills, these programs continue for only one reason... because you care enough to support them. You — and your support — matter more than ever before. Please support WAFG with a tax-deductible gift. Thank you!