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Scripting Made Easy: Part 2

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

Although this tutorial uses the PledgeDriver grid as its basis, the lessons learned here can be used along with any break planning device. If you're using 4x6 note cards, consider each small box to be a case card (box that's left of the /) or a close card (box that's right of the /)

The PledgeDriver grid in the example below has four case/close pairs stacked within five breaks in one hour of pitching. The Case is always the reason for listening or the reason for giving. The Close contains information on price, process, premiums, and other accelerators.

PledgeDriver uses "Bins" to group similar messages. Users can select scripts from a bin and place them into a grid. The script will be represented with a title. but upon printing or publishing, the scripts will print out in their entirety. Some have used a collection of4x6 inch note cards with each group of messages printed on different colored cards.


Jacquie Fuller

managed pledge drives for MPR

Asst PD at KUTX in Austin TX


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