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Pricing and guarantee
PledgeDriver is priced at $1950 per year for stations with one stream of programming. Each additional stream is $975 per year. Streams...
Write great scripts and schedule them regularly.
Categorize scripts and put them into bins. Gather scripts into batches of the same topic. Then decide how many times per day or daypart...
It's all about the numbers.
One way to predict a goal for of an upcoming drive is by looking at the results of past drives. The obvious numbers are the total dollars...
Air Checks and How To Conduct Them
Everyone has their own system for doing air-checks. This method was formulated after years of working with air-talent followed by a...
Pledge School. Radio School.Â
Want to up your pledge-drive game? PledgeDriver offers one-on-one training to get your game up to speed quickly. Pledge School...
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