Pledge School. Radio School. Want to up your pledge-drive game? PledgeDriver offers one-on-one training to get your game up to speed quickly. Pledge School...
Unify Your Membership Messaging"Pledge Drives are Different." Ask nearly any successful public radio direct mail manager, telemarketer, or major giving officer for...
The Art of ClosingBy now, you know the drill: pledge breaks are a succession of short case and close messages. Stack up three or four pairs of case/close...
The Appleby Syllogism: The Giving FreewayRoger Gomoll explains an easier path to convincing listeners to give. Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the Stairway to Given. It’s been a...
Scripting Made Easy: Part 3Now that you know how to put words in front of your on-air fundraisers, what do you say during a week-long drive? In reality, there is...