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The Talent Dashboard feature gives your on-air pledge hosts the ability to access and read air-ready scripts from any online device (laptop, iPad, tablet, iPhone, etc) using any browser. Safari, Chrome, or Firefox are recommended. Your hosts can highlight, underline, bold and even edit their scripts. You can revise scripts instantly as your drive progresses.

Dashboard Chat: Producers and studio talent can click Chat on the bottom Dashboard toolbar to instant message each other. When one person clicks Chat, the window will open on all other logged-in users' screens. The chat window can be hidden by clicking on Chat again, but the dialogue will remain. Use this feature for drive totals, reminders, lists of names to thank, countdowns, deadline updates, etc. Chat messages are not saved. Logging off deletes chat, and when a user logs on, the newly logged on user cannot see past chats. 

Dashboard Set Up: Open any drive in your account and go My Account under Tools on the planning grid menu.

  • The  Email should be the address of the primary PledgeDriver user. DO NOT CHANGE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS DURING A DRIVE ONCE YOU HAVE ALREADY PUBLISHED TO THE DASHBOARD. You can, however, add ONE more email address (separated by a comma) to send Dashboard publication notices to one other. You may change or delete email addresses between drives. 

  • Multiple emails are not necessary - instead, FORWARD the published Dashboard email to anyone who needs access to the Dashboard. The forwarded email will provide the url and password for that ENTIRE drive. Once a user has the URL for that drive, they do not need to update that URL.

  • Talent Can Edit: Click the button giving or denying your on-air hosts the ability to edit their scripts on their screen. Any editing done on published Talent Dashboard scripts will NOT affect the case/close scripts in your bins or planning grid.

  • Time Zone: Be sure your correct time zone is indicated. This enables the "Current" button on the Dashboard to find the correct page during the drive. 

  • Update User: click after making any changes.


Publish to Dashboard: After you have built pitch breaks in your grid, click on the printer icon on the grid toolbar to go to Print Options. Select the days or hours you wish to publish, click on Publish to Dashboard, then click Submit. You will see a pop-up:  "Drive published. Email sent." When you return to the planning grid, the published hours' blue hour bars will be pink indicating  those hours have been published. When you return to the Print Options screen, you will see that published hours are also highlighted in pink.


Email Your Hosts: An email will have been sent to the 1 or 2 addresses in your account. It contains a URL specific to this entire drive and the Dashboard password. Forward this email to your hosts. After they click on the URL, they will enter the provided password. They can then select the day and hour of scripts they wish to view. THIS URL IS GOOD FOR YOUR ENTIRE DRIVE, even if you publish more than once as your drive progresses. Hosts should bookmark it for quick access. 


TIP: Before your drive starts, make sure the updated URL is displayed on computers in your on-air studios and your drive producer positions. Bookmarking the Dashboard URL on those computers makes it easy for your hosts, producers, and other talent to find them.  Be sure to delete outdated bookmarks from past drives. 

View Dashboard Output: Once you have published scripts to the Dashboard, you can take a shortcut to view that output without leaving PledgeDriver. On the grid toolbar, open the "Plan" pull-down menu and select Talent Dashboard View. This allows you to quickly see what your hosts will see when they access the Dashboard through the URL you forwarded to them.

Host Editing: If you have given your hosts the option to edit their scripts (in My Account under Tools in the PledgeDriver toolbar), they can click on the pencil icon at the right of the script or double-click directly on the script to open the editing options. Hosts can highlight, underline, boldface, italicize, and even change words in this script. Any editing done on the Dashboard will NOT affect the original scripts in your bins or the planning grid. When finished with edits, click Save.


When an edited script is saved, that script will be "locked" and a padlock will appear on the right side of the cell. Talent can re-edit a locked script if desired. The lock will prevent a republished hour from overwriting the talent-made edits done on the Dashboard. However, the PledgeDriver Driver can choose to unlock these cells when republishing. Do that by clicking the padlock icon on the locked scripts to overwrite speciic edited scripts. 

Republish to Revise Already Published Scripts: If you want to edit or replace a script that has already been published to the Dashboard, make the change in your planning grid and republish that day or hour. If you want to overwrite Dashboard scripts already edited by your talent, check the box "Overwrite locked spots." CAUTION: If you click "Select All" hours in a day and click "Overwrite locked spots," ALL host editing for that day will be overwritten. Your hosts will need to refresh their screen to see any revisions - click F5 or select Options on the bottom Dashboard toolbar and click Refresh. 

Instant Updates: Producers can instantly update information in a case or close script, such as a news/music intro or forward promote, by clicking the Edit pencil icon for that script.  You may type, or copy/paste or drag/drop from another source. After saving, notify all other users that their screens must be refreshed. 

Read Scripts from Dashboard: If your hosts are reading their scripts from Dashboard, they can instantly go to - or return to - the scripts for the current day and hour by clicking Current on the bottom Dashboard toolbar. Note: Current will take them to the first break in the current day and hour. Talent must select the approprate break in that hour.

Font Size: Click on Options on the bottom Dashboard toolbar to open a window with options to make font larger or smaller. Click Options to close this window.

Still stuck?  Call Roger at 651-233-6178 or Liz at 651-260-6010 or email


PledgeDriver is a cloud-based software that enables stations to plan and strategize their on-air fundraising.


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