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Administrator Set Up: Open any drive in your account and go My Account under Tools on the planning grid menu.

  • Login: Change as needed

  • Password: Change as needed

  • City: Your station's location

  • Contact: Name of the primary person using PledgeDriver

  • Email: Email address of the primary PledgeDriver user. DO NOT CHANGE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS DURING A DRIVE ONCE YOU HAVE ALREADY PUBLISHED TO THE DASHBOARD. You can add only one more email addresse, separated  by a comma, to send Dashboard publication notices to others. You can change email addresses between drives.

  • Dashboard Password: Give your on-air hosts access to scripts via internet-connected devices. PledgeDriver defaults to "talent" as a password.

  • Talent Can Edit: Allow or deny your on-air hosts the ability to edit their scripts on their screen. Any editing done on published Talent Dashboard scripts will NOT affect the case/close messages in your bins or planning grid.

  • Time Zone: Your location's time zone. This is necessary for the Dashboard's "Current" button.

  • Update User: Click after making any changes


Build a New Drive: On the Welcome screen, click Create New PledgeDriver. This initiates three consecutive screens that allow you to format a drive plan. After entering the data, click Next to move to the next screen in the sequence. The final step is to click Finished – Create Pledge Drive!


Station Information: The data entered here is automatically inserted into scripts that have place-saver tokens [DRIVE_NAME], [STATION_NAME], [STATION_PHONE] and [STATION_WEBSITE]. Enter the information as you want it to appear in your scripts. You can make changes to the information in this window at any time without endangering your drive plan.


  • Schedule Template: Enter your schedule information carefully. Making certain changes after you've built your drive and started placing case/close secipts into your planning grid can cause you to lose your work. 

  • Set the Start Date for your drive.

  • Duration is the total number of days in the drive.

  • For Start Time, enter the earliest time during the week that you will be pitching.

  • For Hours/Day, enter the length of the longest day you will be pitching.

  • In the Breaks/Hour box, enter the largest number of pledge breaks per hour – 6 is the maximum possible.

  • "Break Notes" are optional. These text lines can contain up to 100 characters. All text lines will cluster at the top of the Dashboard or print output for each break regardless of where they appear on your grid's hour. 


If you need to make changes to your schedule template after you have data in your planning grid, call or email for assistance.


Programming List: This screen allows you to list the program names or day-parts involved during pitching. This list is unique to your account and is carried forward into future drive plans. Type in the name, then click Add Show. You can add or delete programs at any time. If you delete the drive during which your list of program name was built, the list will be deleted with it. Just type them in again and Save.


Add a Day: Under Days on the toolbar, select Add Day. Give your new day the next number in your sequence of days. (ex. Day 4) The day will not automatically have a planning grid. To add a planning grid to a new day, copy/paste a blank day from an existing day. You will also need to assign the new day its correct date: go to Schedule Template under Plan on the toolbar, but DO NOT CHANGE THE DATES HERE. Instead, click on "edit dates for individual pledge drive days" to open Schedule Setup. Give the new day the correct date and click Update Dates.

Delete a Day or Hour: This is not an option. Just ignore days or hours you do not wish to program.


Change Dates of an existing Drive - without losing all your grid work: Under Plan on the toolbar, select Schedule Template. Do NOT modify dates on this screen! Instead, click on "edit dates for individual pledge drive days" and make your changes in the Schedule Setup window. Click on Update Dates. The new dates will appear in your rid and output, even though the date has not changed in your Schedule Template window.


Recycle an Old Drive: Your Fall drive can be re-used and tweaked for your Spring drive.

Update the drive's name: On the toolbar under Plan, select Station Information. At Pledge Drive Title, enter your new drive name as you want it to appear in your scripts and click Update Station Info. Messages containing [DRIVE_NAME] tokens will infill with the information entered here. 


Change dates without regenerating your plan (and losing all your grid work): Under Plan on the toolbar, select Schedule Template. Click on "edit dates for individual pledge drive days" to open a window that allows you to re-date the existing drive without regenerating. Click on Update Dates. The new dates will appear in your grid and Dashboard or print output, even though the date has not changed in your Schedule Template window.


Change the Drive Name: On the toolbar under Plan, select Station Information. At Pledge Drive Title, enter your drive name as you want it to appear in your output and click Update Station Info. Messages containing [DRIVE_NAME] tokens will draw from the information entered here. 


Copy an Entire Day from One Drive to Another: Open the drive from which you wish to copy. Under Days on the toolbar, click on the desired day, then reopen the Days menu and click Copy Selected Day. Now go back to PledgeDriver Home Page and open the drive to which you want to paste the selected day. Under Days on the toolbar, select the day to be pasted upon ("replaced") and click Replace (#___) with (#___).


Build a Template for Highly Customized Grids: If your preferred grid differs from the standard one in PledgeDriver, we strongly encourage that the first drive on your drive list be considered as your Drive Template. This drive will contain your own customized grids that you can copy and paste to subsequent drives. We also suggest that all the Program Names be contained in this Template Drive. Contact us for help and suggestions on how to use this feature. 


Delete a Drive: Select and open the drive to be deleted from your home page menu. From the toolbar, open the Plan pull-down menu and select Delete and follow the prompts in the popups.



Still stuck?  Call Roger or Liz at 651-797-2161 (office) or 651-260-6010 (mobile) or email

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PledgeDriver Help Notes


PledgeDriver is a cloud-based software that enables stations to plan and strategize their on-air fundraising.


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